commission status: open.

DM me on my socials or email me for questions or commission.

Terms of Service

Can DrawCannot Draw
Original Characters (OCs)NSFW
ChibisFetish Art
Emotes/EmojisAnything I am not comfortable with.

-----Art/Art Usage----

> I do not give permission for my art to be used for profit. (ex: stickers, posters, shirts, etc).> I do not give permission for my art to be used for NFTs or to train AI.> I have the right to use any commission for my portfolio and post on social media (commissioner can request to remain anonymous or be thanked by username in art + caption).> Do not edit my art or claim it as your own work (using it for video edits/AMVs is allowed).> Commissioner or anyone can post my work as long as the watermark is not cropped or credit is stated.> I only draw in my art style. 5 separate works per commissioner max. I might take 2-4 weeks depending on work load.


> I only use Cashapp as a payment method. Note that Cashapp only converts to USD from UK/EU.> At least half of the payment of the commission up front (after price break down has been given and agreed upon).>Paying full up front is appreciated and will put priority status on your commission.> If you would like to revise the piece when it has been fully rendered, the revision might cost 15-30 $ (USD) depending on the complexity.> No refunds will be issued unless I fail to physically complete your commission.


> First, send me images through email or my DMs of who you would like me to draw. Highly recommended to send cosplayer photos or posing references if you have one in mind/detailed description (If it is an OC it is recommended to use other apps to character make your OC for some sort of reference).> I will reply if I agree/disagree to your commission, if so I will break down the price of the commission and in order for me to start drawing half of the payment must be sent upfront.> Updates of your commission will be sent after line art is complete and commissioner can ask for art to be tweaked or commissioner can approve the drawing as is and I will move onto coloring/rendering.>If you would like a revision once coloring/rendering has started it will cost around 15-30 $ (USD) depending on the complexity. Note, changes of a flat color are completely free.> Once finished, I will ask if you as a commissioner if you would like to be thanked in the piece by text, or remain anonymous. I can publish the piece if I choose to or not.> High resolution of the piece as JPEG and PNG can be sent if they would like to the commissioners email once the second part of the payment has been paid.

> Line Art ~ 15 $ (USD)> Any other flat color other than white can be chosen for the background and is free.

> Flats ~ 20 $ (USD)

> Full Render ~ 25 $ (USD)> Simple patterns for background and logos/text is free> Detailed backgrounds will be an extra 15 - 30 $ (USD) depending on complexity.> If you would like the render to be rendered in different types of lighting, please provide examples. 10 $ (USD) per different lighting if requested.

> Line Art ~ 20 $ (USD)

> Flats ~ 25 $ (USD)

> Full Render ~ 35 $ (USD)

> Line Art ~ 30 $ (USD)

> Flats ~ 35 $ (USD)

> Full Render ~ 45 $ (USD)> If there are multiple headshots, torsos, or full bodies (not part of background) price will be doubled, tripled, etc. Depends on how many headshots, torsos, or full bodies there are.> Different lighting of the drawing would be an extra 10 $ (USD)

>Chibi prices as listed (in USD)> I do not do detailed backgrounds with chibis, only plain free ones.